
Call For Papers Civilization Research: Journal of Islamic Studies (P-ISSN 3025-8731 E-ISSN 3025-7468 DOI Prefix 10.61630/crjis by Crossref) year 2024
Indexed by: Crossref, Dimensions, Garuda, Moraref, Google Scholar, Neliti, Publon, ROAD, Indonesia One Search, Directory of Research Journals, World Cat, ISJD, Archive Journal System, Research Gate, ORCID, Academia and others.
The Civilization Research editor invites academics, researchers, lecturers, and students to submit their academic papers on our Open Journal System page.
This journal focuses on Islamic studies, by publishing research results, ideas, theories, methods, and studies of other actual problems related to Islamic studies. This journal openly accepts contributions from experts to publish their research results.
Academic manuscripts are accepted at least two months before the edition is published; November for the edition Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2024 and May for the edition Vol. 3, No. 2, July 2024.
This journal is published by the Center for the Study of Education, Culture and Civilization Thought I Student Rihlah Indonesia.
Civilization Research: Journal of Islamic Studies
More Info Contact :
Editor in Chief of Civilization Research: Journal of Islamic Studies
Tatang Hidayat, M. Pd - 0853 1498 3890

Call For Papers Civilization Research: Journal of Islamic Studies tahun 2024


Call For Papers Civilization Research: Journal of Islamic Studies (P-ISSN 3025-8731 E-ISSN 3025-7468 DOI Prefix 10.61630/crjis by Crossref) year 2024   Indexed by: Crossref, Dimensions, Garuda, Moraref, Google Scholar, Neliti, Publon, ROAD, Indonesia One Search, Directory of Research Journals, World Cat, ISJD, Archive Journal System, Research Gate, ORCID, Academia and others.   The Civilization Research editor invites academics, researchers, lecturers, and students to submit their academic papers on our Open Journal System page.   This journal focuses on Islamic studies, by publishing research results, ideas, theories, methods, and studies of other actual problems related to Islamic studies. This journal openly accepts contributions from experts to publish their research results.   Academic manuscripts are accepted at least two months before the edition is published; November for the edition Vol. 3, No. 1, January 2024 and May for the edition Vol. 3, No. 2, July 2024.   This journal is published by the Center for the Study of Education, Culture and Civilization Thought I Student Rihlah Indonesia.   Civilization Research: Journal of Islamic Studies   More Info Contact : Editor in Chief of Civilization Research: Journal of Islamic Studies Tatang Hidayat, M. Pd - 0853 1498 3890